Church Membership

What is Church Membership?

Although there is no specific verse of scripture which states that one must become a member of a local Church, the concept of membership is clearly portrayed. When Peter preached his first sermon on the day of Pentecost 3000 souls were added to the number of the Church. And in Acts 2:42 after being baptised we are told that:

“they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

Upon being born again we immediately become a member of the universal Church. One body under Jesus Christ who is the Head of His Church. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Ephesians 5:23) However Paul wrote epistles to Churches in all many different places. We are given the privilege of become a formal member of a local body of believers which allows us to become a part of a Church family rather than just a visitor, and to continue steadfastly in the doctrine of the Church, regular fellowship with the saints, participating in the Lord’s Supper, and in Prayer in every area of life.


Why Should I Become a Church Member?

The Church is a living organism. Paul calls the Church one body which is made up of individual members or many parts. (1 Corinthians 12) And the apostle Peter speaking of believers, states:

“you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

The Church is meant to be a community. A localised gathering of believers where membership encourages this community of believers to love and support one another. By becoming a member at Rock of Ages Evangelical Church, we are declaring and showing our commitment to each other as God’s people here in Askern, and also to supporting the Church leadership in all the work they are called to do.

Not only does membership show your commitment to Christ, His people, and the leadership of this local Church body, but likewise their commitment to you.

When the Church meets for their Annual General Meeting, members are qualified to attend. Here matters are discussed such as financial statements and reports, updates regarding current/future ministry and proposed plans.


Requirements of Church Membership

i. Members of Rock of Ages Evangelical Church shall first and foremost profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is the Messiah\Christ ‘Son of God’ ‘Emmanuel’ God with us; God in the flesh\made man; supreme Head of the Church.

ii. Shall be baptised as commanded by Christ Himself, and under obligation to attend the assemblies regularly, where they will also partake of the Bread and Wine in remembrance of, and commanded by Christ.

iii. Will contribute willingly, consistently and cheerfully by giving as the Lord has prospered them, thereby supporting the work of this their local Church.

iv. Will pray for and where possible help in the work of the Church.

v. Will maintain the spirit of Christian love, fellowship and unity amongst the brethren, not speaking unkindly about the brethren.

vi. Will gladly submit to the teaching and Godly leadership in the Church.

All this with the help of God.


Application for Membership

i The elders shall therefore interview applicants for membership to try to ascertain as far as possible whether a work of God’s grace has begun in their hearts, being born-again. This being in part evidenced by repentance toward God through faith in Jesus Christ, and in the practice of consistent Christian living.

ii. Applicants must have been in regular attendance at the Church services, and accept the leadership and teaching of the Church. Must be willing to give a public testimony of their salvation in a public service.

iii. In the event of any member distancing himself or herself from Church services and fellowship for a period of two months without satisfactory reason may be contacted by the elders as to whether they should continue on the roll of membership. (After all the Church of Jesus Christ demands active membership).

iv. They must agree with the Church constitution in principle, and subscribe to the doctrinal statement of faith unreservedly.

v. Church Discipline: All cases of private offence between members shall be handled according to Matthew 18:15-17. In cases of open backsliding, inconsistency, or doctrinal error, the elders shall exercise discipline according to 2 Thessalonians 3:6; 14-15; Titus 3:10-11.


Note of justification for such measures:

Obviously, if a membership evolved who did not subscribe to the above conditions, then within time the Church could quite easily fall into error, disrepute, or ruin, or be doctrinally moved from its present Evangelical doctrinal position.

The aim is to protect the ethos of the Rock Of Ages Evangelical Church so that this Church may continue on the principles on which it was formed.


Do I have to be a Member?

No-one is obligated to become a member. All are welcome to worship at Rock of Ages Evangelical Church and to partake in godly Christian fellowship regardless of being a member or not. However we believe membership to be beneficial to all and encourage prayerful consideration regarding it.